Saturday, February 20, 2010

cheese oreo NgahKim

Me and Badrul Hakim baked cheese cake for Mariatul Qibtiah’s birthday (belated)…owh! she’s 13 dis year. Cepatnye mase.

BH: Ngoh,kali ni kite tera (try) buh (taruk) cheese lebih sket ah. Dakyoh (takyah) skema ngak (sgt) ikut resepi.

Me: Kut panda laa (ikut pandai la).

Me: Keng, kek kite byk longkang laaa. Besaaaar punye!

BH: hahahahahahahahahaha!

We tried to cover the cacat-ness with topping tapi still visible..sigh~

kami x punya topping cream (malas mau bikin), so, kami taruk our home made raspberry jam

walaupun kek kami cacat, ianya tetap sedap hingga menjilat jari..hehehe

Happy Belated Birthday, my dear!

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