It is not too late right? Hehehe.
Orang Cina raya, bukan cina pun raya sekali…dengan cuti yg tak seberapa tu, dapat la saya balik Terengganu (thanks to Najib for his ‘one Malaysia’)…my aunties and kazens pun balik juge. So, memang saya cuti abes la, x buka buku langsung. Tengok pun x ingin. Huhuhu.
-->Setiap hari keluar. Pastu mesti nk pegi Mesra Mall, the only mall in Kemaman, hurmm… (ade ape ntah kat situ..heh)
-->We love taking pictures. Tgh beratur kt cashier pun sempat snap2 (the line was so damn long)
Maybe that was my last balik kampung before professional exam (or as a medical student)
Hopefully by the end of May 2010 I balik kampung with the title...insyaAllah~
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